Cal Poly STC Bylaws

These bylaws have been officially approved by ASI. You may notice a slightly tongue-in-cheek tone--that was deliberate. Since we're technical writers, I think we should try to make all our documents readable. Humor can be effective in making that happen. (Besides, I love poking fun at official documents.)

Enough rambling. On with the bylaws! 

Article I: Preamble

  1. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect. . . Whoops! Sorry; wrong Preamble.
  2. Communication is important. People who understand the world and their place in it are unlikely to go on homicidal rampages armed with high-powered (but perfectly legal) assault weapons. Recognizing our ability to avert tragedies of this sort, we have organized to promote technical communication.
  3. It is the intent of this organization to abide by pertinent State, University, and ASI regulations. (ASI regulations require us to include this statement, so don't blame us if it sounds stilted.)

Article II: Purpose

  1. The Society for Technical Communication as a whole seeks to advance the arts and sciences of technical communication by
    1. encouraging research;
    2. developing educational programs and establishing scholarships;
    3. stimulating the exchange of information through publications, meetings, and conferences;
    4. recognizing outstanding accomplishments; and
    5. cooperating with other societies and institutions in mutually beneficial projects.
  2. As students, we have some additional, more prosaic goals. We seek to
    1. learn more about the field of technical writing, especially the employment opportunities;
    2. gain experience and contacts in the field; and
    3. have some fun in the company of people who share our interests.

Article III: Identification

  1. This organization is the Cal Poly SLO Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication. For quicker access, we usually refer to ourselves as "the STC."
  2. This student chapter is a subsidiary of the Society for Technical Communication, Inc. We will call it simply "the Society" from this point on.

Article IV: Powers and Constraints

  1. Powers
    1. This chapter's powers reside in its members. An elected administrative council exercises these powers on behalf of the members.
  2. Constraints
    1. In keeping with the STC Bylaws, this chapter is nonprofit, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan. It cannot endorse or disparage a commercial enterprise, a political platform, or a candidate for public office.

Article V: Membership

  1. Both the Society and ASI place requirements on membership classifications. Society memberships are outlined in the STC Bylaws, and all members must meet both Society and ASI criteria.
  2. For ASI purposes, we use the following classifications:
    1. Active members must be registered Cal Poly students (undergraduate or graduate). The Faculty Advisor also counts as an ASI active member.
    2. Faculty members must be (what else?) instructors at Cal Poly.
    3. Alumni members are Cal Poly graduates.
    4. Honorary members are anyone else meeting Society criteria.
  3. We will not discriminate in membership on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual preference, possession of wisdom teeth, inclusion in the species homo sapiens sapiens, or the ability to read this document without falling asleep.
  4. ASI requires the following:
    1. Only active members may participate in meetings, be elected to office, vote, debate, or represent the organization. We interpret this to mean "in any official role;" we don't expect non-actives to sit at the back and shut up.
    2. Honorary members shall not exceed 10% of the active membership.
    3. This organization or any of its members shall not conspire to commit any act which causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger or physical or emotional harm to any member of the campus community. (ASI doesn't say anything about people off campus, but we'll leave them alone, too.)
  5. The following topics are identical to those listed in the STC Bylaws:
    1. Rights and privileges of grades of membership
    2. Obligations of membership
    3. Admission to membership
    4. Appeals panel
    5. Termination of membership
    6. Reinstatement and transfer of membership
  6. Dues and fees
    1. Dues and fees are as described in the STC Bylaws.
    2. We may set fees for special projects, purchases, or chapter expenses. These fees, however, must be approved by the administrative council.

Article VI: Officers

  1. ASI requires that we have at least a Chapter President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
    1. The Chapter President supervises chapter activities. He or she
      1. calls meetings and presides over them;
      2. communicates with appropriate Society officials; and
      3. represents the chapter or designates a representative at local, state, and international meetings such as conferences, seminars, and workshops.
    2. The Chapter Vice-President backs up the president.
      1. He or she assumes the President's duties in the event of class conflicts, illness, acute ennui, or any other absence.
      2. The President or administrative council may also assign other duties.
    3. The Chapter Secretary maintains the non-financial paperwork. This includes, but is not limited to
      1. meeting minutes,
      2. membership lists, and
      3. official correspondence.
    4. The Chapter Treasurer maintains the financial paperwork. He or she will:
      1. maintain the chapter's account with ASI (depositing funds, balancing the books, etc.);
      2. disburse funds as required for chapter operations; and
      3. report on the chapter's finances as required at meetings.
    5. If no one else wants the job, the same person may combine the duties of Chapter Secretary and Treasurer.
    6. The administrative council may create additional elected positions as conditions warrant.
  2. The administrative council exercises the Chapter's powers on behalf of its members.
    1. The council consists of the Chapter President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Faculty Advisor.
    2. The council may (and probably should) meet outside of the normal chapter meeting times to discuss administrative issues.
      1. If the council does decide on a special meeting, they should publicize it at least one week in advance so that
      2. any Chapter member can attend the meeting to monitor the process or voice an opinion.
      3. If present, the immediate past President should attend council meetings.
  3. Chapter elections take place once per year, in the middle of Spring Quarter (usually early May).
    1. ASI requires that officers
      1. must have at least a 2.0 Cal Poly cumulative GPA at the time of nomination and election, and
      2. must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA while in office.
    2. Since attending the University places a practical limit on time in office, officers may run for re-election as often as they wish.
    3. Election procedure runs as follows:
      1. The Chapter Secretary will announce the election date at the first meeting of Spring Quarter.
      2. Members should contact the Secretary to nominate themselves or others for specific positions.
      3. The Secretary will e-mail a preliminary candidate list to all members at least two weeks before the election date. This announcement will also give the meeting date, time, and place.
      4. On election night:
        1. Late candidates will announce themselves.
        2. Members will select each position by majority vote in a secret ballot.
        3. In the unlikely event that more than two people are running for one position, the two highest-scoring candidates in the first ballot will face a run-off in an immediate second ballot.
      5. Members who cannot attend the election may arrange to submit an absentee ballot to the Secretary.
        1. The absentee ballot must include the voter's name and a list of the voter's choices for each office position (missing positions count as abstentions).
        2. In the event of a run-off, the absentee ballot will not count.
      6. After the elections, the President will announce the results in an e-mail message to all members.
  4. Nominations and elections for vacant offices will take place at the first meeting of the quarter.
    1. If the elected officer is missing due to a co-op or internship, the executive council may select an interim officer.
  5. Any member may request an elected officer's recall by submitting a statement to the executive council.
    1. The council will review the request - without the affected officer present - and will decide whether to bring the recall to a vote of the membership at the next meeting.
    2. If the council brings the recall to a vote, the members present may recall the officer by a two-thirds majority vote.
    3. If the council does not bring the recall to a vote, it will publish its decision in writing or via e-mail to all members.
  6. ASI requires that we submit a year-end report to the Student Life and Activities Department within two weeks of elections.
    1. The Chapter President and Secretary will draft this report and then
    2. submit it to the executive council for review.
    3. Once the council passes on it, the Secretary will deliver it to Student Life.

Article VII: Meetings

  1. The executive council will select a regular meeting schedule for each quarter.
    1. The President or Secretary will announce the meeting via e-mail at least five days in advance.
  2. We will use Roberts' Rules of Order for all parliamentary procedures not covered by these bylaws, assuming we can find our copy.
    1. Small meetings (fifteen or fewer people) may elect to dispense with full parliamentary procedure, but
    2. the motion must be unanimous. Any member may insist on full procedure.
  3. Bowing to the realities of school life, quorum shall be 25% of the active membership or twenty members, whichever is fewer.

Article VIII: Committees

  1. Apart from the executive council, the STC has no standing committees.
  2. Any member may request a special committee.
    1. The executive council will review the request and may either create the committee or bring it to a vote of the membership.
    2. Special committees must have a defined purpose. They will not extend beyond the school year in which they are formed.

Article IX: Finances

  1. The Chapter President and Treasurer have the authority to expend the STC's funds.
    1. ASI requires that we administer funds through the ASI account service and within ASI policies and procedures. Among other things, this means
      1. the Treasurer may maintain a petty cash fund, and
      2. the Faculty Advisor must sign all disbursements.
    2. The Treasurer must make an annual report to the Society listing income and expenditures. The President has blank copies of this report.
  2. The Society handles dues collection for all members. The Chapter, in turn, receives a reimbursement from the Society.

Article X: Standing Rules

  1. The executive council will, as necessary, draft standing rules for the Chapter's operation. Any member may request a rule from the council.
  2. Before these rules go into effect, the membership must approve them by a majority vote.

Article XI: Advisor

  1. ASI requires that the Faculty Advisor be a member of the teaching or administrative faculty or staff. The Advisor's department head and school dean must approve this position in advance.
  2. The Advisor cannot vote in any Chapter elections or motions, except those relating to Society business.

Article XII: Amendments

  1. Any member may move to amend these bylaws. The procedure runs as follows:
    1. The member moves to propose an amendment during any regular or special meeting.
    2. As required by the STC Bylaws, the proposed change must be submitted to Society headquarters.
    3. The executive council will announce the proposed change to all members at least ten days prior to the next meeting.
    4. The original requesting member then moves to amend the bylaws at the next meeting. Obviously, the meeting must have a quorum.
    5. Two-thirds of the members must approve the change for it to go on to the next stage.
  2. After approval by the membership, the proposed amendment needs additional approval.
    1. Amendments must be approved by the Codes and Bylaws Committee, Board of Directors, and the University before becoming effective.

Article XIII: Conflict

  1. ASI requires that these bylaws shall be in accordance with the ASI Bylaws and Codes and the policies of the University.
  2. At the same time, these bylaws must also be in accordance with the STC Bylaws.
  3. In case of a conflict, the bylaws will duel with pistols at ten paces. . . No, sorry; wrong sort of conflict.
  4. In case of a conflict, the ASI, Society, or University policy will take precedence.
    1. If the Society bylaws conflict with the ASI or University, the executive council will work to resolve the issue or, failing that, at least sweep it under the rug.