Current Job Offers for Technical Writers

February 8, 1999

Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 13:30:12 -0800
From: Dave McLaughlin 
To: dave@jarthurgroup
Subject: job openings

We are The J. Arthur Group, a recruiting firm that for the past ten years
has exclusively represented technical publications professionals, such as
writers, editors, and managers. Listed below for your convenience are a few
of our top current positions.

     - this is an exceptional opportunity!!!
     - start-up firm with management from Valley's Who's Who
     - new, sophisticated Java-based enterprise software product
     - documentation will be for users and programmers
     - knowledge of RDBMS and client/server technology preferred
     - no writers on board yet, you will hire 3 now, go to 5+ writers soon
     - rare and extraordinary employee/management environment
     - salary and stock options competitive with industry
     - central location, you will write some of the time
     - this is one of the best opportunities we've represented!

     - write developer documentation at above company
     - document interface information for outside developers and OEMs
     - experience with Java, Java Script, C++, CORBA all good to have
     - central location, probable work at home OK when it makes sense
     - please call immediately as company is anxious to get started
     - you will find this a unique and exciting work environment
     - hourly rate will be commensurate with your experience

     - you will write user documentation, both paper and online
     - doc server h/w, UNIX command-line base s/w and applications
     - 2 to 5+ years of experience is good, know how to work with Frame
     - need previous exper. with network server h/w, UNIX, and GUI apps
     - great manager that lets you work at home when it makes sense
     - manage your own documentation projects
     - salary likely to be somewhere in the $60's

     - hot company that brings the Internet to cell phones and PDAs!
     - you will plan and deliver a documentation suite
     - you will also contribute to wide range of company products
     - exper. req'd in switching systems, network infrastructure components
     - also UNIX and NT environments, telephony-class products
     - must have written reference manuals for ntwk. and system admins.
     - use Frame, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Webworks publisher
     - computer and ISDN line provided for home plus cell phone
     - you can work at home up to three days a week
     - fabulous salary range that goes up into $90K+ figures

For more information please call us at 408.732.1400 or you may review our
Web page at:

AN INTERVIEW TIP. . . . . . . start interviewing the company from the time
of your very first contact. Are they respectful over the telephone? Are they
concerned about you and your needs? Did they give you clear directions to
the company? What's their parking lot like? Is it clean? Is the receptionist
friendly and helpful? Are the lobby chairs comfortable, and is the reading
material relevant? And so forth . . .

To respond to any of these positions you may simply push your "Reply" button
or send us a fax to 408.732.1444.

John Emanuelson, The J. Arthur Group, Sunnyvale, CA

January 21, 1999

Subject: Technical Writer candidates

Dear Dr. Novak,

Altera Corporation has plans to interview technical writers at California
Polytechnic State University in February. However, we have had no one from
your program sign up for our interviews, and we are very interested in
interviewing candidates graduating in June 1999 with certificates in
technical writing. Could you possibly publicize our interviews to your
classes, or place a notice in the department?
We are looking for the following:

Technical Writer

In this position, you will write, edit, and illustrate both online and
printed documentation for Altera's programmable logic circuit design
software and device programming hardware products. Excellent written and
verbal communication skills are required. Knowledge of Windows, online
development techniques, and desktop publishing tools is highly desirable.
DOS, Microsoft Word, and HTML are required.

A BA/BS in English, Technical Writing or a technical communication subject
is preferred. Please let me know if I can provide any more information.
Thank you for your consideration.


Andrea Smith
Software Documentation Supervisor
Altera Corporation
101 Innovation Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
(408) 544-7210

January 21, 1999

Contact the Director of the Technical Communication Program, Matt
Novak, for the following job. (805) 756-1612; (805) 756-2596

Dr. Novak,

I manage a team of technical writers at IBM's Santa Teresa Laboratory (STL)
in San Jose, California.  We are currently looking for technical writing
co-op (internship) candidates with a strong background in software or
computer science and would like to talk to you about your program.  Our
organization hasn't sent anyone to Cal Poly SLO for a couple of years, but
we'd like to try again if you think there are some students who are

STL develops IBM's key commercial software products, predominately
database, database management, middleware, and application development
products.  Our lab is tailored to the needs of all software professionals:
technical writers, human-computer interaction engineers, graphic and visual
designers, and software engineers.

The organization I work in is User Technology.  We create what we call the
"user experience,"  that is, every aspect in which our customers interact
with our software.  This includes end-user documentation (integrated online
help systems, intelligent agents like wizards, traditional hardcopy, and
more), graphic user interfaces, web sites, interactive tutorials, and
multimedia.  In addition to technical writers, we typically manage
dedicated editors, production assistants, and graphic designers.

Our internship assignments require students to make complex technical
information understandable and usable for our customers.  Candidates should
have a strong base in some of the following skills, experience, and

Communication skills

- can explain technical content accurately, clearly, and succinctly
- can analyze audience tasks and product specifications
- can synthesize information for end users, novice to experienced
- has successful teamwork experience.

Technical and professional skills

- can learn new technologies quickly
- knows a variety of operating systems: NT, OS/2, AIX, VM, MVS, UNIX
- has programming or database product experience, such as C++ or JAVA
- has created Web-based information and knows HTML, JavaScript, Perl, and
so on
- has created online help or hypertext
- has graphical user interface design skills

Essential skills

- adaptable and dependable
- highly motivated, a self-starter
- able to communicate and work in teams
- a good time-manager
- has an innovative attitude

I would be very interested in talking with you about your technical writing
program and students.  I would be happy to provide information on salary
and other benefits, as well as information on what co-op candidates can
expect to gain from their time with us.  Please let me know if there is a
convenient time during which we can talk.


Lindsay Bennion
Manager, BI User Technology
Santa Teresa Lab

Lotus Notes Address: Lindsay Bennion/Santa Teresa/IBM@IBMUS
Internet Address:
VM Address: IBMUSM54(bennion)
Phone: (408) 463-3453  T/L: 8-543-3453  Fax: 408-463-2750

January 7, 1999

From:    Yvonne DeGraw 
Subject: Job Announcement
Message-ID: <#1>

Job Announcement
Instructional Designer
jeTECH DATA Systems, Inc.

The person holding the position of Instructional Designer will work closely
with members of the Education Services Team, providing assistance with the
development and maintenance of training documentation, materials, system
process diagrams, etc.  This position requires the ability to quickly
understand complex concepts and be able to translate those concepts into
clearly understood text and graphics for use as training materials.


=B7 Work with Training Specialists, to customize agendas, workbooks and
    training materials for use in training clients on our Custom software
=B7 Work with Training Specialists, to develop and maintain agendas,
    workbooks and training materials for use in training clients on our Base
    software solutions.
=B7 Work with the Training Specialists, to create, develop and maintain
    training materials for use in internal training of jeTECH employees.
=B7 Maintain EduNet (the Education Services Team Web Page).
=B7 Document, organize and publish (via network, web and intranet) an
    information/knowledge base of procedural, instructive and supporting
    materials for external clients and internal staff.
=B7 Interact with the Technical Communications Team to ensure uniformity
    in all documentation efforts.
=B7 Organize and maintain Education Services Team network directory=
=B7 Assist Training Coordinator in maintaining the Knowledge Center and
    Learning Lounge.
=B7 Assist Training Coordinator with printing and distribution of


=B7 Windows 95
=B7 Office 95 (strong Word skills)
=B7 Visio (flowcharting) (or similar)
=B7 Proficient in desktop publishing techniques
=B7 Experience in Internet, intranet, and web based production
=B7 Excellent organizational skills
=B7 Motivated self starter=20
=B7 Able to manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines
=B7 Detail oriented, and dedicated to producing top quality deliverables
=B7 Proven ability to  juggle multiple projects
=B7 Enjoy working in a fast-paced environment

Camarillo, CA

contact =3D Leslie Helyes
jeTECH Data Systems, Inc.
5153 Camino Ruiz
Camarillo, CA 93012
(805) 383-8500 ext. 1151

Yvonne DeGraw, Technical Services     o Technical Writing                     o Online Help         o Web Documentation
Tel: 805/683-5784                     o Database Publishing
Pictures of Kenyon:

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